telephone color code

Supprised that I did not post this earlier.

 For station wiring, you will either have wire that is green/red + yellow/black, or blue/white + orange/white

Line 1
Green = blue white
Red = solid blue
Line 2
Yellow = orange/white
Black = solid orange

Here is a run down of the colors for larger cable
2- orange/white
3- green/white
7- orange/red
9- brown/red
10- slate/red
11- blue/black
12 -orange/black
13- green/black
14- brown/black
15- slate/black
16- blue/yellow
17- orange/yellow
18- green/yellow
19- brown/yellow
20- slate/yellow
21-  blue/violet
22- orange/violet
23- green/violet
24- brown/violet
25- slate/violet

For cables larger than 25 pair the wire is wrapped into binders, where the first 25 are wrapped in white, then the second in red, etc...

If you notice the first colors repeat, blue, orange, green, brown, slate. To make this easy to remember, all you need to do is remember the phrase "Bring Our Guys Back Safe" To recall the order of the second color you just need to remember the phrase "Why Run Backwards You'll Vomit"

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